The transformative path is both universally alike & individually different. There may or may not be a resonance to what is described below. It by no means is a comprehensive list, but briefly describes some aspects of wellness, healing & self-actualization that I have implemented.
Attachment, letting go & acceptance.
Everything is impermanent. Each experience presents itself for a reason.
Become conscious of what it is that you may be attached to. Tune into the energetic charge within. Are you trying to grasp at something? Are you are trying to push something away? If so, this is a clear indication of the need to explore your attachments, begin to let go & move into acceptance.
Explore your attachment to your desires, pleasurable experiences, people, your thoughts, ‘the story,’ a particular outcome of a situation, your fears. The list could go on & on. Begin to ease the grip of attachment simply by letting go. Of the expectation, the judgment (often towards yourself), the emotional hold ‘it’ has over you.
Begin to move into an underlying acceptance of what was, what is, what will be. Simply have gratitude for whatever it is life brings to your feet. Be open, but not attached to outcome.
Embrace the sovereign being that you are.
Every single individual is a sacred being, with unique talents to be shared with others.
Realize that you are already enlightened. There’s nothing you need to do; or be. Embody the very fact that you are abundantly whole & complete just the way you are, with all your imperfections. Beyond the ego & illusion that you bought into – whether it is inferiority for superiority. You are neither.
Do not diminish yourself for any detours taken along your path. Acceptance is the greatest neutralizer to resistance. Accept where you have been, what you’ve done. Most importantly, accept who you are. Come back home.
Sovereignty is about honoring all aspects of yourself. At this tribal council, everyone gets a chance to be seen, heard & understood. And no one gets voted off the island. Nonjudgment, tenderness, love & compassion are the ground-rules.
Be with uncomfortable emotions, allow them to move through you.
Emotion is simply energy in motion. It is there to show you something, a messenger. You are not your emotion.
Exploring emotions requires the dance of exploring the emotion without trying to avoid it or becoming caught up in it. Learn to become the nonjudgmental observer. Remember, they are not the truth of who you really are.
Processing emotions involves a sequence of experiential inquiry. It could look like this. 1) Pause, Breathe, Feel. 2) Explore, Listen, Reflect. 3) Accept, Integrate, Release.
From unconscious reaction to conscious experience. Becoming more responsive than reactive involves consciously recognizing triggers, conditioning, beliefs, assumptions, projections – all of which tend to drive certain emotional disturbances or uprisings.
Manifest abundance in your life. Live the life you want now.
Your thoughts create your reality. That which resonates with you determines your thoughts, intentions & actions.
It’s powerful to consider the significant difference between attachment & resonance. Attachment is usually grounded in expectations, rigidity, projection & an inability to let go – all leading to frustration, disappointment, anxiety & fear. Resonance, on the other hand, is generally rooted in expansion, effortlessness, ever-presence & acceptance - resulting in joy, gratitude & abundance.
Abundance is a mindset, a state of existence. Your consciousness manifests the abundance that already exists in you. Henceforth, you manifest abundance by believing that you are abundant. It will the flow effortlessly to you.
Become aware of when you are fearful of not having enough, not getting what you want, what you need or losing what you already have. You have then slipped into lack consciousness. Not the end of the world, you can simply shift back into abundant consciousness. Want what you have now. This is true abundance.
Understand & become aware of your consciousness.
Consciousness is the ability to keep your focus on something, even in the midst of distraction.
You may be tempted to buy into the illusion, that of separateness. It’s easy to be in distraction without any conscious awareness of it. Pierce the veil of illusion through conscious surrender – seeing beyond the eyes, hearing beyond the ears, knowing beyond the mind.
When you get distracted by a thought, a feeling, a memory – it’s up to you to bring your consciousness back to where you want it to be. Or to take it a step further, allow the Universe to take it from where you want it to be & put it back to where it should be. Understanding consciousness is about dropping into what is for your highest good.
When in doubt, always come back to the here & now. This may take some discipline. But in reality, it is quite simple. Let go & believe. Source, God, the Universe – however you frame it – will bring you exactly what you need. In essence, consciousness will move you to your soul’s higher calling.
Daily practices
Although I am not exactly batting 100% with each of the below mentioned items on a daily basis, it’s probably closer to 90%, which is still pretty darn good. These are examples of what can bring you closer to living the life you deserve now.
Conscious & sacred breath. Be still. Listen. Even if it is 10 minutes a day. This will profoundly affect your attitude, perspective & intention.
Ever awareness to what is present in you. Your thoughts, feelings, awareness. Self-inquiry & exploration is necessary to move continue along your path, wherever that is taking you.
Physical well-being, including exercise (weights, yoga, walking), eating nutritious meals, getting plenty of restful sleep.
Connecting to Spirit – whatever that means to you – truly experience the sacred in everything.
Service to others. Shift from what’s in it for you towards what you can bring to a situation. Your insight, smile, helping hand, generous gesture, positive attitude, inspiration.
Cultivating social connections through community & spending time with like-minded individuals.
Whether it’s music, art, writing or simple story-telling – express yourself creatively to promote self-discovery, healing, connection, relatedness, spiritual & mental well-being.
Spend time outside – connect with nature – experience the awesomeness all around you.